“Relationship with suppliers is a bit like a marriage….”
Emmeloord-based Interemm has been using Bijlard's glues and sealants for the past 15 years, and owner Andre Mulder has wanted to share his story all these years. Like many other companies, Interemm has experienced a lot of ups and downs.The company has spent the past 15 years specialising in interior and stand construction. However, the latter is highly susceptible to economic fluctuations. Nonetheless, stand construction activities have accounted for around 30% of turnover in all these years. And that's something they are proud of! For many years, several large companies have been using Interemm to design, manufacture and construct stands in the Netherlands and abroad, including e.g. HK Living which attends trade fairs like Maison et Objet in Paris.
A few years ago, Andre decided to buy-out his business partner and continue the growth process together with his wife, who is now co-owner. The company was also effective in overcoming the difficult years between 2009 and 2011, and continues to grow today. But Andre emphasises that strong growth is no longer a priority. “It is more important to handle the assignments we receive and to complete them in accordance with our quality standards. It is good to grow, but growth means recruiting more people, which could present an issue if there's a downturn later down the line. And I wouldn't feel great about firing people because there isn't enough work for them.”
“Growth is nice, but the continuity of our business is the main priority!”
He then provides a clear answer when asked why his company initially opted for Bijlard's glues and sealants: quality! Andre Mulder: “when we started in 2003, we already knew sales manager Ted Engelen, so he was the first person we contacted when looking for a supplier of excellent glues. Ted has a proven record, is well suited to our company, knows people in the workshop and is in regular contact with them. Of course, I also speak to Ted on a regular basis, but the people who work with glue are important in the whole process. If they experience problems, I immediately notice this in the finished products. Ted is very accommodating and is easy to reach if Dirk (workshop manager) needs to phone him for some tips. However, like in every relationship, I have had the odd weak moment, but paid for it when I decided to try another supplier. We returned to Bijlard within a few weeks and decided to never change again. Looking for a new supplier is not only time consuming, but things also have to click. That is why I sometimes compare contact with suppliers to a marriage. You have to trust one another and work on the relationship. And we managed this brilliantly with the people at Bijlard!”
Interemm has completed many projects, both large and small, but there are just too many to mention. Nonetheless, some were quite memorable and left Andre and his team rather excited: the town hall in Emmeloord, the recently completed local branch of Rabobank, the interiors of many restaurants in Emmeloord and its surroundings, as well as a private box at the stadium of FC Twente. “And there is a nice story behind every project”, adds Andre proudly.

Date: 08-06-'18
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