Mobile units and ‘Tiny Houses’ for the recreation sector
The luxurious way of camping. There is even a word for it: glamping. Lots of people simply want to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere on a camping site or holiday park, but increasingly they are seeking a certain amount of comfort.

According to him, the appearance is unique. ‘We design and produce everything ourselves. Yes, there are similar solutions on the market, but these units are different, certainly when it comes to the look and feel. The standard units are ready within six weeks, but for models that vary a little more from standard, e.g. a different colour, we count ten to fifteen weeks delivery time.’
Because we do the production in-house, Haase knows exactly how the units have to be put together. ‘We used to do that with screws and pop rivets, but about six years ago we switched to Bijlard adhesives. I came into contact with Bijlard through a supplier, and I now get on very well with and is a partner who contributes ideas and who advised us the Bijlard MS Polymer CS40 transparent. We use this glue for among other things the floor finish. But there are more options with this type of glue apart from the transparent variant, such as the Bijlard MS Polymer CS 60, which is available in white, grey and black. Why is glue better than for example nails? Massive sheets are used in the units. These may not crack. Gluing them means that there is no danger of this happening at all.’
Owner Jan-Geert Haase (r) in front of a number of ‘Tiny Houses’ which are being built.
Published in b-to-b magazine Binnenwerk, edition 3.
Date: 12-07-'18
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