Good foundation and good joints
Bijlard International has a unique portfolio of customers throughout the Netherlands and Europe. Most customers use the glues to join materials, as you might expect, but Rotterdam is home to Vorm & Decor, which also uses them to make lifelike creations.Meuk

Why doesn’t Vorm & Decor solely use the glue for its intended purpose? Martin: “Over the years, we have turned it into a sport to experiment with the materials we work with and it has become apparent to us that it is often possible to do more. We mix Bijlard’s glue with other materials, and that gives us a particular substance, which we call ‘meuk’, and use it to mould and create lifelike and realistic objects which, once they have hardened, aren’t just very strong and shock-resistant, but are also light, and, most of all, ‘vandal-proof’, a term that hasn’t come from the theatrical world completely coincidentally. We are often asked for the recipe, but that’s something that we keep secret. We are happy to make a small sample upon request, but that’s all you’ll get. The recipe is and will continue to be a Rotterdam secret....”

Glue is literally and figuratively an excellent bond between the two companies and both men are convinced the relationship will continue to flourish for many years to come. That becomes clear at the end of the discussion, where a coincidental experiment can once again produce a new application for this all-round company, and a fine example of a supplier’s contribution.....
Date: 06-10-'16
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