Bijlard International expansion commences
After over two years of preparation, Tuesday 19 January last was the big day! The much desired expansion was put in motion by the striking of the first pile by Els Bijlard, wife of the owner Peter Bijlard, who again saw a piece of his dream being fulfilled.The new production hall of the Zoetermeer glue manufacturer, of over 1000 m2, will be ready in a few months, after which furnishing can begin. The new hall will house the expansion of production, including the associated indoor silos.
‘We have really worked hard to achieve this expansion. Especially the whole licensing process was a serious challenge. Fortunately, that is now behind us and the sound of piling work is music to the ears. In any case, we have worked hard with the whole Bijlard team to be where we are now. But we are still far from ready! The new hall doubles our production area and we cannot wait to take the next step’, says Peter Bijlard.

The Bijlard team now consists of over 30 employees who work together to ensure that high-quality adhesives and sealants are in high demand at home and abroad. Despite the stressful time, the company is making strong growth, so the expansion comes just at the right time. ‘We want to be able to continue to deliver to our customers on time, and in the current building we simply ran up against the limits. This was of course a luxury problem, and we are fortunate in that our customers have a great deal of confidence in us and continue to place orders. All the efforts made in recent years are paying off and we are very grateful for that’, says a satisfied Peter Bijlard.

Date: 03-02-'21
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